
Sunday, January 2, 2011

About CLOUD COMPUTING from a Tenderfoot

I can't say its an IN and OUT about CLOUD COMPUTING.This post might give a light idea for you before start flying into CLOUD.

Cloud computing is making a new trend and revolution for the next generation IT engineers.So many views and definitions are there on internet.This one gives a simple understanding definition for cloud computing

"A pool of abstracted, highly scalable, and managed compute infrastructure capable of hosting end-customer applications and billed by consumption"

Already We are using some kind of cloud ser­vice, such as Web email (Gmail, Yahoo! Mail or Hot­mail),online data stor­age (IDrive, Mozy) or online soft­ware.

Cloud Environment is divided in three segment

SAAS - Software As A Service

Provides software applications to end users without requiring the end user to run the application on their own computer.
Increasingly popular with Small and medium enterprises(SMEs).
No hardware or software to manage .
Service delivered through browser.

Examples of SAAS

Project Management

PAAS - Platform As A Service
Is an environment for running custom applications that provides operating-system level services for accessing the hosting and hardware resources needed in a cloud.
Some PaaS have their own dedicated SaaS architecture (For example : Salesforce's
Most platforms anyway allow the consumer to choose their own SaaS tools.

Example of PAAS

Google App Engine
Mosso (Hosting cloud service)
AWS: S3(A Ruby Library for Amazon's Simple Storage Service's (S3) REST API)

IAAS - Infrastructure as a service
Is a form of hosting.
It includes network access, routing services and storage.
The IaaS providers will usualy provides the hardware and administrative services needed to store applications and a platform for running applications.

The cloud has become

1.our enter­tain­ment net­work we are spend­ing hun­dreds of mil­lions of hours on sites like YouTube , Flickr and so on.

2.our social net­work Face­book,Bebo, hi5 ,MySpace and sim­i­lar sites now claim hun­dreds of mil­lions of mem­bers.

3.our work­bench we man­age projects in Base­camp, share large files with Pando,tweak pho­tos in online photo edi­tors like Adobe Pho­to­shop Express and Pic­nik.

4.our devel­op­ment net­work open source pro­gram­mers trade code on sites like and

Still not started to fly in CLOUD.While I do,surely i will post the next.

1 comment:

  1. I think you have commit a plagiarism, in some of your statement (Identity in the Age of Cloud Computing by O'Reilly)
