Step-up LinkedIn API
To start your work with LinkedIn API, You need to get the
Consumer key \ API key & Consumer Secret \Secret Key.
Go for this link to get your Consumer key & Consumer Secret for your application
You have to give application name & some regular fields you have to fill up.
IDE & JDK Version
Working with IBM Rational Application Developer-Version: 7.0.0
jdk used is 1.6 version.
You can work on Eclipse also.
Download 3 Jars
1.commons-codec-1.3.jar –
2.linkedin-j.jar - [version downloaded is May24]
3.signpost-core- -
Included the jar in the class path and try to access the class in the jar
Got :( Error bcoz I tried out downloading snapshot version of linkedIn.jar ,
Not able to get the authService object.
final LinkedInOAuthService oauthService = LinkedInOAuthServiceFactory.getInstance().createLinkedInOAuthService(consumerKeyValue, consumerSecretValue);
Error got
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oauth/signpost/signature/OAuthMessageSigner
With the support of Linked Forum got rid from this issue.
Lets start coding ....
How to get LinkedIn –token, token secret & Authorization URL using consumer key & consumer secret?
final LinkedInOAuthService oauthService = LinkedInOAuthServiceFactory.getInstance().createLinkedInOAuthService(consumerKeyValue, consumerSecretValue);
LinkedInRequestToken requestToken = oauthService.getOAuthRequestToken("your application url");
String token = requestToken.getToken();
String tokenSecret = requestToken.getTokenSecret();
String authUrl = requestToken.getAuthorizationUrl();
Set all this objects in session.Inorder to proceed with the functions.
session.setAttribute("LINKEDIN_TOKEN", token);
session.setAttribute("LINKEDIN_TOKEN_SECRET", tokenSecret);
session.setAttribute("LINKEDIN_REQUEST_TOKEN", requestToken );
session.setAttribute("LINKEDIN_AUTH_URL", authUrl );
After execution of these codes, the service will be verfied .
Place this authorized url as a link in a jsp page.
When the link is clicked it asks for your LinkedIn username & Password.
How to get the LinkedIn –Access Token?
Once your application ,username& password are verified you will get a auth_verifier with the url.
String oauthVerifier = request.getParameter("oauth_verifier");
//Pass the requestToken[session.getAttribute("LINKEDIN_REQUEST_TOKEN")] & oauthVerifier to get accesstoken
LinkedInAccessToken accessToken = oauthService.getOAuthAccessToken(requestToken, oauthVerifier);
Set the access token in a session
session.setAttribute("LINKEDIN_ACCESS_TOKEN", accessToken);
How to create the Client Object?
Create the factory object by passing consumerKeyValue & consumerSecretValue
final LinkedInApiClientFactory factory = LinkedInApiClientFactory.newInstance(consumerKeyValue, consumerSecretValue);
Pass the access token to get the client object .
final LinkedInApiClient client = factory.createLinkedInApiClient(accessToken);
Functions in Linked-Id
Check out all the functions available in the LinedIn API
I have given some of the main functions with example code ,Here it goes...
To get the Current user Profile
Person profile = client.getProfileForCurrentUser(EnumSet.of(ProfileField.ID));
System.out.print("CurrentUsers Profile-Id >>"+profile.getId());
To get specific information of the Current User
Set the fields which you need .
Person userprofile = client.getProfileById(profile.getId(), EnumSet.of(ProfileField.FIRST_NAME,ProfileField.LAST_NAME,ProfileField.HEADLINE,ProfileField.INDUSTRY,ProfileField.API_STANDARD_PROFILE_REQUEST, ProfileField.PICTURE_URL, ProfileField.PUBLIC_PROFILE_URL));
System.out.println("PersonID:" + userprofile.getId());
System.out.println("Name:"+ userprofile.getFirstName()+ " " + userprofile.getLastName());
System.out.println("Headline:" + userprofile.getHeadline());
System.out.println("API Request:" + userprofile.getApiStandardProfileRequest());
System.out.println("Industry:" + userprofile.getIndustry());
System.out.println("Picture:" + userprofile.getPictureUrl());
System.out.println("Public URL:" + userprofile.getPublicProfileUrl());
To get the connections of the Current User
Set the fields which you need .
final SetconnectionFields = EnumSet.of(ProfileField.ID, ProfileField.FIRST_NAME, ProfileField.LAST_NAME, ProfileField.HEADLINE, ProfileField.INDUSTRY, ProfileField.CURRENT_STATUS, ProfileField.CURRENT_STATUS_TIMESTAMP,ProfileField.API_STANDARD_PROFILE_REQUEST, ProfileField.EDUCATIONS,ProfileField.PUBLIC_PROFILE_URL, ProfileField.POSITIONS, ProfileField.LOCATION, ProfileField.PICTURE_URL);
Pass the connection fields & get the connection object
Connections tryconnections = client.getConnectionsForCurrentUser(connectionFields);
Iterate the Person object from the person list.
for (Person person : connections.getPersonList()) {
System.out.println( "PersonId :"+ person.getId());
System.out.println("Name:" + person.getFirstName() + " " + person.getLastName());
System.out.println("Headline:" + person.getHeadline());
System.out.println("Industry:" + person.getIndustry());
System.out.println("Picture:" + person.getPictureUrl());
//To get the Location details
Location location = person.getLocation();
System.out.println("Location:" +location.getName()+" - "+location.getCountry().getCode());
System.out.println("API Request:" + person.getApiStandardProfileRequest());
System.out.println("Public URL:" + person.getPublicProfileUrl());
//To get the Header information
ApiStandardProfileRequest apiStandardProfileRequest=person.getApiStandardProfileRequest();
System.out.println("Header:" + apiStandardProfileRequest.getHeaders());
To get Profile ID by using public url
Pass the public URL of a person & connection fields
Person checkPerson = client.getProfileByUrl("public url of a person,connectionFields);
System.out.println("PersonID:" + checkPerson.getId());
System.out.println("Name:" + checkPerson.getFirstName() + " " + checkPerson.getLastName());
You can get all the data of a person for whatever fields mentioned in the connection field.
To get Profile ID by using Person ID
Pass the PersonID & required fields
Person othersProfile = client.getProfileById(userID, EnumSet.of(ProfileField.FIRST_NAME,ProfileField.LAST_NAME,ProfileField.HEADLINE,ProfileField.INDUSTRY,ProfileField.API_STANDARD_PROFILE_REQUEST, ProfileField.PICTURE_URL, ProfileField.PUBLIC_PROFILE_URL));
To invite by using E-mail
Pass the client object,emailId of the person you want to invite,firsname,lastname,subject & message.
inviteByEmailID(client,emailID, firstName, lastName,subject,msg);
Note:e-mail,first name & last name should not be passed Empty.Null Pointer Exception will be thrown.
To invite by using PersonId
Pass the header token value ,userId,subject & message.
Code to take the header token value
String tokenValue=authHeader.getHttpHeaderList().get(0).getValue();
System.out.println("tokenValue "+tokenValue);
client.sendInviteById("PersonID", subject, msg,tokenValue);
To send message to specific group of people
You have to pass the id’s of the people in a list whom you want to send message
Iterate the list in a for loop
client.sendMessage(Arrays.asList(((String) list.get(i)).split(",")), subj, message);
To Search within Linked In
We can search by passing company name,keyword,title,CountryCode
Example code is given for searching connection based on particular company
Function to put the search parameters [Company name is set]
private static MapgetSearchParameters() {
MapsearchParameters = new EnumMap (SearchParameter.class);
searchParameters.put(SearchParameter.COMPANY, "Kyyba");
return searchParameters;
Map SearchParameter, String searchParameters = getSearchParameters();
Pass the search Parameters to find the people based on search
People people = client.searchPeople(searchParameters);
To get the people information
for (Person person : people.getPersonList()) {
System.out.println(person.getId() + ":" + person.getFirstName() + " " + person.getLastName() + ":" + person.getHeadline());
We can't get the connections of connections
Connections otherscon = client.getConnectionsById("ProfielID");
Error will be thrown as Access to other member's connections denied.
In Linkedin forum they have mentioned as currently they not support getting other people's connections.;jsessionid=3E26C276AF047188942CDE50F562B638.node0
Hi this Blog is very helpful but i have a question how can we get the "Address" detail field present in the "Location" class since i am getting "name" field, but the address filed is null.
ReplyDeleteI was searching for this .....thanks to post this nice article
How can I access the email Address...I have found that linkedin has updated its api, I tried doing
ReplyDeletePerson person = client.profileForCurrentUser
println person.emailAddress //output null
I have given email permission too, r_emailaddress
But still it prints email Address as null.
Do you know a solution for it.
Please Help!.
this method should be inside that class where doing stuff for oath
ReplyDeletepublic static Person getUser() {
return client.getProfileForCurrentUser();
Person p = LinkedInUtil.getUser();
Sting firstname = p.getFirstName();
String designation = p.getHeadline();
String city = p.getLocation().getAddress().getCity();
String state = p.getLocation().getAddress().getState();
String street = p.getLocation().getAddress().getStreet1();
String postalcode = p.getLocation().getAddress().getPostalCode();
How can we access emailaddress in android. I know email is accessbile as socialAuth library is giving email.
ReplyDeleteHello shree
ReplyDeleteI am using linked-in integration using custom-linkedin-j-android.jar for login and invitation by Id .
It was working fine before the linked-in policy and Api modification but now it always showing below exception .
Please give your suggestion for same. Access to sending invitation denied.
hi how to get the company pages the user is admin.
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